Chichester Conservancy
Chichester Harbour is a thriving recreational Harbour and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, internationally recognised for rare habitats and protected species. Stretching over 74km2, or 9,226 acres, the Harbour remains fairly undeveloped, and is a fantastic example of a natural environment – not to mention a stunning location for filming and photography!
Within Chichester Harbour, there are 10 different types of habitat, ranging from deep sea channels to woodland, supporting a vast array of wildlife from microorganisms and plankton to seals and birds. There are very few other harbours of this size which support such diverse habitats.
As well as being home to a wide variety of animals and mammals, this small pocket of West Sussex and Hampshire includes several hundred businesses and farms, as well as over 4,000 houses. The Harbour community is close knit and a significant number of the businesses are intrinsically linked to Harbour life – supporting the fishing, tourism and boating sectors. Whilst a large proportion of the houses existed before the Harbour received its official designations, one thing connects properties old and new; it’s a special place to live and now home to 10,000 residents.
With over 500 historic sites, more than 5,000 moorings, almost 100km of public rights of way, 14 sailing clubs and 12,000 boats Chichester Harbour welcomes around 1.3 million visitors a year from across the UK and beyond. The most popular past time is walking, but the dark night skies and general tranquility make this area the perfect location for rest and relaxation.
All filming and photoshoot enquiries are handled by FAME Pro.

